

The Gourmet Week event is currently running in Lotte Shopping Avenue (Ciputra World) Jakarta, and it’s an event curated by the mall to gather food lovers to come and enjoy what they’re having in store: to be exact, the good amount of interesting tenants serving their idea align with their uniqueness, quality and fun-ness along! I went to the first day of the event and it’s today, and here I am blogging it to you!

The pop-up bazaar is located at the Event Atrium ground floor! It’s actually pretty easy, if you make your entrance from the main lobby, just take the escalator one level up and keep straight and turn left, you’re going to easily see the sign “Gourmet Week” made from light bulbs and two food trucks located outside. The “outdoor” area actually felt like a garden with wood communal bench where visitors can freely sit around and dine on the spot.
There’s something about this particular bazaar that’s quite interesting, I have been going to the ones in GI all my life (hyperbolic) but it’s just nice to have a little refreshment on another venue, and not to mention, the fact that people are opening their own business and actually “learning” as an entrepreneur, now that’s awesome, and this bazaar thing could just be the perfect arena to study your market.

Their concept was pretty British and European with simple but cute British ornaments such as the “underground” logo (the UK metro), a garden like set with bench, british guard red hats, and visitors are allowed to take pictures anywhere in the venue. I honestly wondered why a lot of people took selfies, but soon realized they’re having the Snap A Selfie competition -.-. Anyway, I came on the lunch hour so it’s VERY packed, if you don’t want to blend with the crowd, I suggest coming earlier or after lunch hour.

As confirmed, there are around 30 tenants participating on this event, including ones owned by top Indonesian celebrity such as Hudson (who’s made famous from IGT) with his JC Hudson cake, Dewi Rezer’s “Dulce de Lece”, Thomas Djorghi’s “Pempek Tanliz”, Rianti Cartwright’s “Ladies who Bake”, Wulan Guritno’s “Spiky Smooth” and some more! The area was quite spacious, hence it could accomodate the 30 tenants and an indoor seating area specially dedicated to the customers who prefer “dining in”.
Enough with the yakking, let’s SURF the food and beverage!
Euphoric Juice

Ma Ma Go
Randol – Radja Cendol (one of the most crowded tenant that day, they sell ice cendol)

Blacklisted Coffee – they serve beautiful coffee!

Sato Dessert
Heci-Heci, love their shrimp fritter!

Rorupan – famous for their black hotdog
Ichitori – long time player, I really like their chicken and mushroom with Tonkatsu sauce and a little chili sauce.
Imported snacks available here!!!

Cute ice creams <3
Egg Eats! Yummy egg waffle with vanilla ice cream, pop corn and baileys!

Pot ice creams – you can choose the vanilla or chocolate ice cream with Regal or Oreo crumb topping and mint leaves!

Delicious Rorupan hot dog <3

Hi Fries – always a long queue, but indeed their fries was just something special!
The event will last until this Sunday (May 31st) and there are going to be performances by Gamaliel, Audrey & Cantika on May 27th and closed by Endah and Resha’s performance on May 31st, 7 PM! Anyway, they’re having this promotion here you can get IDR 150k vouchers when you only need to pay IDR 100k! It’s going to be limited for the first 100 visitors so you better be hurry, and don’t forget to join the “Snap A Selfie” competition and tag in the #GOURMETWEEKLOTTEAVENUE to win some cool prizes. Generally the event starts around 11 AM but I don’t guarantee that all the tenants will be opening at the exact of 11, but it’s worth coming and trying for sure <3.

The Gourmet Week event is being supported by media partners such as Now! Jakarta, Yukmakan.com, 88,4FM Global Radio, Hard Rock Radio FM, MNC Food & Travel, and university medias such as 107,9 RTC UI FM, LSPR Radio, LaSalle College, Binus TV, Radio Horizon Prasetya Mulya and yet I realize it’s also me HAHA!

Lotte Shopping Avenue (Ciputra World).
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan



Map for Lotte Shopping Avenue


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