

As an avid fan of coffee, visiting local’s coffee shops is mandatory as a part of my travelling diary, and before actually travelling, I always ask for recommendations where to hop in, but the thing is, when I am actually somewhere, I make myself forgetting all that and just bond with locals! Usually there are two kinds: one where there’s so many people queuing, and the other one when it appears unbelievably cute and in a way... convincing!

If you’re planning to travel in Japan, it’s mandatory that you have internet connection, if you can’t speak Japanese, English or Chinese, you’re pretty much fucked! Almost every outlet’s name in Japan is written in Japanese and you’re going to need that a lot for directing your walking path to your destination, well that if you don’t mind spending thousands of yen for every taxi ride, and most of the times, I found myself googling the name in English and looked out for the Japanese name and then copy that to Google maps.
I love Omotesando area, I think it’s just my kind of neighborhood: it’s just beautiful, vibrant, classy but still very social. I could spend hours walking around this neighborhood and not get bored.
Omotesando Koffee was never something that I expected, when I first reached Omotesando Koffee, I was very blown away by something I never saw before, well first of all, what a coincidence that I never googled Omotesando Koffee before, when I think about it, I found that weird because I usually get super crazy with my itinerary – and short to say, it’s one of the most beautiful coffee shops I’ve ever been.

Never thought that an amazing coffee shop would be isolated, but I guess that’s what makes Omotesando Koffee very special and literally a hidden gem located in the residental neighborhood of Omotesando and Gaienmae. The venue was small and minimalist but beautifully-naturally framed with red trees, almost like a mini garden inside a coffee shop, and I don’t why but the ambiance gave me this “Zen” energy. Omotesando Koffee occupied this petite traditional Japanese house with a little bench, a brewing area completed with a grinder, La Cimbali coffee machine, some baked custards displayed (Kashi) and all that single-handled by a man!
The menu was categorized to three mains: Koffee Kashi, Hot Koffee & Iced Koffee and yes it’s with a K like Kardashian. Cappuccino, Cafe Latte, Cafe Mocha, Mochaccino and regular Jo are available in iced, they have two special menus here: Iced Shakerato, Cafe Granita and what they’re most famous for: Iced Bailey’s Cappuccino!!! I can’t even start imagining how sexual the chemistry between coffee and baileys because I could really die.

Iced Bailey’s Cappuccino
700 yen (IDR 77k)
Never do I found any problem whenever having something with Bailey’s infused in, and just like this one, honestly, one of the most amazing grind I’ve ever had! This was creamy, rich, frothy, subtle and fragrant! Truth be told, I like the fact that the Bailey’s was just a hint and didn’t overpower or dominating the coffee flavor.
Hot Cappuccino
550 yen (IDR 60k)
Frankly speaking, I like coffee, and I am learning more about it so I won’t pretend that I know how to explain coffee in the most expert way to appear cool, but judging from the taste and aftertaste, frankly speaking, one of the best cappuccino I’ve had in my life. Technically I believe coffee shop measured their coffee and not rare that the measurement of the esperesso could be the same, probably that worldwide cappuccino ettiquette, but their cappuccino was anything but SPECIAL! It had this perfect amount of coffee and milk giving a rich but very well settled taste!

Kashi – Baked Custard
160 yen (IDR 17k)/piece
Short of say, this is like the cube version of Canele, just fragrant & perfectly sweet with caramelized coating, crust and gooey eggy inside.
When you’re in Tokyo, get lost and find your way to this AMAZING coffee shop, even if you don’t like coffee, sitting around here was actually kind of therapeutic! Hands down, one of the most beautiful and most qualified coffee shops I’ve ever been.

Meanwhile... somewhere in Omotesando, I spotted a cutie ;)
Omotesando Koffee
4-1 5-3 Jingumae
Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
Price range: 400 - 700 yen

〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区


Map for Omotesando Koffee


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