

All these times I’ve been struggling with the eye cylinder that I’ve been suffering. Initially I didn’t have any eye problem and not until the middle of last year that I knew about that because I started feeling that I need to quinch my eyes more to read small letters and number in a certain distance, AND THAT’S THE MAIN REASON WHY I’VE BEEN WEARING CONTACT LENS! But currently, I found myself too lazy to wake up (even waking up is lazy) and put on the contact lens and for some reasons, my eyes tend to be very dry in the morning and most of the times, putting on the contact lens could irritate my eyes. I know I could just moist my eyes with the eye drops and put them on but yes sometimes I am THAT lazy.
If there’s an award for the laziest person on earth, I’ll probably send someone to pick it up for me.

Just in time when I was planning to start converting to glasses, it was just the perfect timing as I got introduced to the Transitions® Signature, the newest, most responsive adaptive lenses!

Transitions® Signaturelenses are released by the Transition Optical Inc. so I guess the naming should make sense (LOL). They call it the Transitions®Signaturelenses because the lens was equipped with the photochromic technology inside the lens allowing the lens to adapt automatically with the direct sunlight and the further protection of the UVA and UVB sunlight, to describe it in the most simple way, the lens could darken out when you’re actually outdoor and as you stare directly into the sun, you barely need to quinch your eyes as you’re wearing sunglasses! As you guys know, the UVA and UVB sunlight could be very dangerous and when it continuously hit the eye without protection, it could really be one of the cause of cataracts and trust me you don’t want any.

This is what I meant:
When I don’t stare directly to the sun

When I stare directly to the sun: look at how the lens darkens out
The adaptivity of the lens is also quite sensitive, as soon as the lens detected the UV light, it darkens out and it will get darker as the UV light gets stronger.

You can purchase the frame and lens at any major optics in Jakarta or Indonesia, they are highly available there. I bought the frame for IDR 1,5 mil ($140).

And of course to ensure I get just the exact value of the lense I must do the eye check and even better: IT’S A FREE EYE CHECK! No extra cost needed!

The eye check test was pretty basic: letter and number reading and the spot and point test. Since I knew my cylinder was around 0,5 which technically not crazy big or bad, but the disadvantage of it is that if I have to read small letters from a distance, it could be a burden and blurry. Anyway, back to the result, the number stated that my cylinder value was still 0,5 for both eyes. They would print out the result and you can give this to them as the prescription to proceed with the next step, which is the lens making.

I was given two options for the lens color: brown and grey, actually it doesn’t matter if you choose either brown or grey, they don’t contribute to any sight problems even when they darkened out, and I can still see, read and notice 100% clearly (even clearer as I am now using the glasses) but the optician told me that the brown color is better in enhancing contrast between red and green objects, while the grey is more neutral.
I chose this New Balance frame, initially wanted Ray Ban but the frame doesn’t really suit my style and I had to pick them asap because I was going to leave for Bali on the next day and couldn’t wait until freaking New Year. It took around 3-5 days of work, mine was around three days, sent it to the optic on Friday and got mine on Monday (Saturday and Sunday did not count).

So I currently still wear the contact lens combined with the best, most stylish and protective lens on the market. Not only that it boost my confidence, comfort is also the key! Not to mention most people told me that I look much mature and face is slimmer with glasses, and to you all wondering why am I still wearing contact lens is because I want my eyes to look bigger!!! It’s the eyes that do the talking. F small black eyes!

If you’re wondering about the pricing of this lens, I must say the total value of the lens with the money that you’ll be paying is completely worth it. Health is such a lifetime investment and without health, everything is basically nothing. The pricing will depend on these conditions: the lens brand, the material, the lens type, prescription and additional coatings that you can customize. For the lens type you can choose between the single-vision, bifocal or progressive. The total value of the frame and lens was around $600, knowing that this has the possibility of lifetime usage, I am on board!

Yeah, just like leather bags, once you bought it and take care of it nicely, it could be a long lasting investment right *wink*.

For more information about the Transitions®Signaturelenses:

This post is brought to you by Transitions®


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