

All my life, I feel like it’s totally okay and normal for you to update on your relationship. Comparing to 2012, I am a completely changed person. There’s this story circa 2012 that would take at least 5 entries to write, but I choose to bury everything deep and take it as a lesson.

Why do I feel like it’s normal? Because I believe I am not the only one doing it.

I am the type of person who doesn’t label people easily, because I just don’t feel like I need one and I believe people change, including myself.

To be honest, I don’t even know who my “best friend” is at the moment. The top three on my list are always God, family and that one very good friend, even when I am fighting with my family, that one very good friend could be number two, and when I am fighting with both of them, then I still have one God who listens to all my problems.

No it’s not going to be that religious post, but this is the truth, you don’t always need anybody to tell you that you’re okay. Honey, YOU are the reason why you’re doing okay and you’re not. Life is about how you take it and make it.

It’s Wednesday and I don’t know why I am highly outraged and stressed this week with works and maintaining some relationships. I have major trust issues towards certain people at the moment.

Back to when I say I don’t know who my “best friend” is at the moment, because seriously I feel very left out at the moment, that I am eventually feel very tired to keep up with them so if they need me they can just come to me, and if they don’t then it’s okay, but the thing is, I AM STOPPING myself from keeping up with them because I do feel like a stupid little puppy begging for attention and it’s super pathetic.

...and I am feeling very tired because I just am. I have other priorities to take care.

Your life is not based on people’s POV about you, it’s always about you, and trust me I’ve been through so much to even have the gut to say this. Love yourself, that’s the most important thing.

Nothing pisses off people more than your success! So shine bright bitches, just like diamonds!

PS: I know my blog is called eatandtreats, but seriously eat this post and treat your soul well.



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