

Bintaro is not somewhere I am familiar with and that's the truth be told, first of all, it's quite near my far, and when I say far I count the traffic jam in, and secondly, for some reasons Bintaro reminds me of my university that proceed to scare me enough. Before you start assuming things, no I don't have any problems back at the uni it's just that it is somewhere that I really want to escape at right now, the stress of final project has been exaggerating </3. Not until I heard of this cool cafe that I finally wanted to surf the Bintaro area.

Frankly, it took me 1,5 hours to get here and along the way, I felt like a lost little kid, I didn't know anything or where I was, this and that, and was such a first timer, but little did I know, I was about to be surprised. It happened that Industrie was located on the same boulevard as the earlier joint: Aloha Terrace and the newly opened Republic of Burger.
The cafe was actually petite but something about the design that was executed nicely resulting this comfortable minimalist venue with earthy materials like wood and cement covering. I honestly liked the simplicity of the cafe, it's something underdone, hipster but awesome. You're going to spot an amazing wood communal table right over the entrance.
Obsessed with Baby Breaths, fresh or drying: same awesomeness!

They're serving the Tanamera coffee beans here.

I noticed that they're focusing on bringing back the local flavor to the scene but they do it with the "clean eating" method made effective in Japan. The food range was quite good as they have breakfast menu, light bites and mostly Japanese menus (teriyaki, katsu, katsudon, ramens). Ingredients used here is purely local, food is made to order and ingredients restored fresh daily.

Iced Cappuccino
IDR 30k
They're using two kinds of beans here: local from Tanamera and imported one from America, tried the imported one (since I am familiar with Tanamera beans), the coffee was slightly lighter and milkier.
Industrie Shake
IDR 35k
This one is their signature drink and indeed unique and different. I adore their urge to push the local harvest usage and apply them on the menu. It's not everyday often that I actually see and experience "Tapai" beverages because frankly, most of the times when I had my dessert like "Es Campur", I always skip Tapai, I just don't really like it. BUUUUUT! This one was a different story, I was actually fond of the flavor of the Tapai, sweet and aromatic without overpowering my palate.
Little Miss Nutty
IDR 35k
If you love peanut butter then I bet you're going to love this one! The peanut butter flavor was rich and fragrant as well, it's just creamy, sweet but not overpowering and absolutely yum.
IDR 35k
I didn't have any favorites because to me, each beverage was different and unique in their own way but overall equal good, nothing disappointing. This is a perfect fit for avocado beverage lovers like me! Being a sucker for avocado and whatever creations possible, I proudly declare this one of the best avocado beverage creations I've tried, no shade, amazing balance (not just some watery shit), creamy, coffee-ish, chocolaty, just LOVE!

Popcorn Chicken
IDR 35k
Popcorn chicken has been (probably) everyone's favorite easy comfort food, Industrie's version of Popcorn Chicken was pretty good. The chicken's deep fried in a proper temperature and timing resulting this juicy chicken with crispy coating. The portion's paired with homemade sauce, personally, having it without the sauce was already good enough for me, the sauce gave a little extra kick and little extra tanginess.

Java Crunch
IDR 35k
Heard this was one of their new menus, this is their take on the good old spring roll (theirs deep fried): presentation wise: the plating's beautiful, the spring roll was deep fried on a decent temperature because the skin happened to be crispy but the filling remain fresh and slightly juicy. You really need to have the spring roll with the peanut sauce together otherwise you won't be experiencing that foodgasm and burst of flavor you're aiming for or expecting before.

Hammer Chicken
IDR 40k
I noticed that Industrie also had various selections of Indonesian cuisine hence shall not be missed! Their Hammer Chicken happened to be one of the best sellers so I gave it a try! The moment I got served to my table, the aroma of the fried chicken was overwhelming in the best of way, just yum! The portion came with rice, Tauco and beautiful fried chicken with fried shallots, garlic, and chili on top (incase you want a little more spice). The chicken was certainly marinated nicely because the ingredients seemed to absorb quite well to the meat, but aside from that, the Tauco was also the BOMB! Pair it with the rice and the chicken, bleepin tasty!

Red Ramen
IDR 38k
Besides the Indonesian cuisine, they also bring a little Japanese to the menu like this Red Ramen. One bowl of ramen with generous topping is how I prefer to describe it, if you're pretty common to the ramens with thick pork Tonkotsu broth (like me), theirs are a little milder with clear soup and halal as they're using chicken here. Flavor wise, not bad at all, the fried chicken topping was the popcorn chicken, you know that moment when you just love to put fried stuff into your soup but tasted equally good <3.

Monkey Rice
IDR 37k
This one was one of my favorite menus of the lunch not only for the cute presentation but flavor wise as well. The monkey rice used no monkey's meat (I mean who the F does that) but they're using the chicken and fish, but it's the seasoning that does the most talking, overall quite salty but not the annoying salty that would make you stop, in fact, it proceed to make me dig for more. Portion wise might not be as large and fulfilling as the Hammer Chicken, but flavor wise, lovely.

Charlie Brownie
IDR 40k
The sweet closing and their must order dessert was this Charlie Brownie! Supah dupah fond of the fact that they used BIG ZERO SUGAR on the baking process and that includes the homemade caramel sauce. They didn't even use any form of factory made sweetener like Agave or things like that, in fact they're using pure honey on the production process! Flavor wise, this chocolate brownie was lovely with rich chocolate flavor (but won't bloated you out) and served with Rum Raisin ice cream (they also offered Vanilla). Somehow having this made me feel less guilty and less sinful because it's slightly healthier than the one in the market.

My experience was quite joyous, they're good with the food and especially the naming. Industrie is a proper cafe serving you good food with good pricing, good ambiance, simplicity, something not overdone but emphasizing on the quality. I noticed that the particular area in Bintaro when Industrie's located (Sektor 7) could have the possibility of getting , I don't know if you guys go to Bintaro a lot (except if you live there), but if you do pay a visit to this cafe and try the food I tried here.

Industrie is that little hidden gem kindly waiting to be found, but most of the times, pearls are searched so why don't you approach? :).

Kebayoran Arcade 2, Blok B3 No. 5B
Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7
Pondok Aren, Tangerang 15224
021 - 2951 1772
Opening Hours: 8 AM - 10 PM
Pricing: $$, WEBSITEIDR 150k for two
Dresscode: casual


Map for Industrie


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